Leadership as a relationship....

Among the thousands of books written on the meaning of leadership, there is grudging agreement that leadership is a process of influence between leaders and followers. What distinguishes leadership from other forms of influence is that the leader draws on some form of authority, power, or control. This does not mean that the only people who can lead must be in high-level jobs or political posts, nor that leadership is a position or role. Leadership is a relationship, in which leaders inspire or mobilise others to extend their capacity to imagine, think and act in positive new ways. We are all leaders....from single mother of two, to CEO of many.....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revitalization often comes with a good cup o' joe...

I apologize for my lack of "keeping up to date". Maybe football, Ph.D. Camp, and work have to do something with it.

Anyways. Nathan Mallory of Cannon Coffee, Kevin Acklin of Renew Pittsburgh and I have been working on some new projects that have recently turned into its own nonprofit.

So if your boots are buried deep in this steel city (Like mine) and your bleeding heart loves giving back (and coffee)...be sure to check it out.


Your friends at Project Coffeehouse...

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